Wiener Datenbank zur Europäischen Familiengeschichte


Mikrofilm Sammlung

Die Sammlung von Mikrofilmen der ‘Wiener Datenbank zur Europäischen Familiengeschichte’ befindet sich am Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Universität Wien. Die Mikrofilme können nur dort benutzt werden. Die Sammlung geht über die bereit digital erhobenen Datensätze weit hinaus.


Zuständig: Dr. Annemarie Steidl


Liste der Mikrofilme:


microfilm identification:  A001
            place:  Ebensee
             year:        1779-1809
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A002
            place:  Ebensee
             year:        1828-1837
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A003
            place:  Ebensee
             year:        1838-1845
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A004
            place:  Ebensee
             year:        1846-1853
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A005
            place:  Ebensee
             year:        1854-1861
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A007
            place:  Ebensee
             year:        ca. 1879
                           ca. 1883
                           ca. 1892
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A008
            place:  Rottenbach
             year:        1730-1824
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A009
            place:  Rottenbach
             year:        1877-1899
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A010
            place:  Rottenbach
             year:        1778
                           ca. 1800
             type:        proberty
microfilm identification:  A011
            place:  Grieskirchen
             year:        1638
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Grieskirchen
             year:        1771
             type:        list of occupations
microfilm identification:  A012
            place:  Grieskirchen
             year:        1824
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  A013
           original    B1761
            place:  Breitenbrunn
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Oberrabnitz
             year:        1857
             type:        table of foreigners
            place:  Unterrabnitz
             year:        1857
             type:        table of foreigners
microfilm identification:  A014
           original    B1765
            place:  Purbach
              comment     from housenumber  11 on
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Oberpullendorf
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Pieringsdorf
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  A015
           original    B1768
            place:  Kleinhöflein
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Eisenstadt-Berg
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Eisenstadt-Schloß
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Hochstraß
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  St.Georgen-Leitha
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  A016
           original    B1773
            place:  Kaisersdorf
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Siegendorf
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  A017
           original    B1762
            place:  Kaisersdorf
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Ober-Raibnitz
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Oslip
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Oggau
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Markt Steinberg
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Karl
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  A018
         archives:     Tiroler Landesarchiv, Kodex 12
            place:  Stumm
             year:        1762
             type:        list of fireplaces
            place:  Wolkenstein
             type:        list of fireplaces
            place:  Tilliach
             year:        1781
             type:        list of fireplaces
             data:        data in the 'Vienna database' (numeric) 
            place:  Kropfberg
             year:        1636
             type:        list of fireplaces
microfilm identification:  A019
         archives:     Tiroler Landesarchiv, Kodex 12
             year:        1427
             type:        list of fireplaces
microfilm identification:  A020
           original    B1775
            place:  Ödenburg
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Klingenbach
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Neutal
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Großhöflein
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  A021
           original    B1694
            place:  Comitat Ödenburg
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Töketerebes
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Klein Warasdorf
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Wrasenmarkt
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Dörfel
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Purbach
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
            place:  Comitat Zemplin
             year:        1857
             type:        census list


microfilm identification:  D001
            place:  Konstanz
             year:        1610
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  D002
            place:  Konstanz
             year:        1774
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  D003
            place:  Konstanz
             year:        1820-I
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  D004
            place:  Konstanz
             year:        1820-II
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  D005
            place:  Konstanz
             year:        1820-III
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  D006
            place:  Konstanz
             year:        1820-IV
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  D007
            place:  general registration of inhabitants ('Generaleinwohnerverzeichnis)
             year:        1871
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  
           comment     without number
            place:  Berlin
             year:        1845
              original    female employée

Tschechische Republik und Slowakei:

microfilm identification:  CS001
            place:  Koboli
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CS002
            place:  Koboli
             year:        1900
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CS003
            place:  Velke Pavlovice
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CS004
            place:  Velke Pavlovice
             year:        1910-I
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CS005
            place:  Velke Pavlovice
             year:        1910-II
             type:        census list


microfilm identification:  I001
            place:  S. Giovanni in Laterano
             year:        1623
             type:        status animarum
            place:  S. Christogono
             year:        1596
             type:        status animarum
            place:  S. Maria supra Minerva
             year:        1637-38
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  I002
            place:  S. Agostino
             year:        1591
             type:        status animarum
            place:  S. Angelo in Pescheria
             year:        1659
             type:        status animarum
            place:  S. Dodici Apostoli
             year:        1595
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  I003
            place:  S. Marcello
             year:        1642
             type:        status animarum
            place:  S. Maria del Popolo
             year:        1605
             type:        status animarum
            place:  S. Maria in Monticelli
             year:        1636
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  I004
            place:  S. Celio e Guiliano
             year:        1636
             type:        status animarum
            place:  S. Maria in Monticelli
             year:        1884
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  I005
            place:  S. Dorotea in Trastevere
             year:        1640
             type:        status animarum
             data:        data in the 'Vienna database' 
            place:  S. Giovanni de Fiorentini
             year:        1602-03
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  I006
            place:  S. Dorotea in Trastevere
             year:        1640
             type:        status animarum


microfilm identification:  CH001
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1818
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH002
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1839
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH003
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1860
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH004
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1860
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH005
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1860
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH006
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1860
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH007
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1880
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH008
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1880
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH009
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1880
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH010
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1880
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH011
            place:  Fribourg
             year:        1880
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  CH012
            place:  parish of the city of Zürich
             year:        1637
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Zürich
             type:        guild register
microfilm identification:  CH013
            place:  Flaach
             year:        1634-1760
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Volken
             year:        1634-
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Eglisau
             year:        1634-1767
             type:        status animarum
             data:        data in the 'Vienna database' 
microfilm identification:  CH014
          Kanton       Zürich
            place:  Eglisau
             year:        1634-1760
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Embach
             year:        1634-1760
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Hausen am Albis
             year:        1634-1762
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Herrliberg
             year:        1634-1758
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  CH015
          Kanton       Zürich
            place:  Kloten
             year:        1634-1762
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Wallisellen
             year:        1634-1762
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Seetal
             year:        1634-1664
             type:        status animarum
            place:  Stadel
             year:        1640
microfilm identification:  CH016
            place:  city of Zürich
             year:        1671
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  CH017
            place:  Zürich
             year:        1836
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  CH018
            place:  Zürich
              original    Kleine Stadt-St.Peter
             year:        1870
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  CH019
            place:  Zürich
              original    Kleine Stadt-St.Peter
             year:        1870
             type:        status animarum


microfilm identification:  H003
           original    B1721
            place:  Comitat Bihar
             year:        1848
             type:        registration of jews ('Judenzählung')
microfilm identification:  H004
           original    B1723
            place:  Comitat Trencsen
             year:        1848
             type:        registration of jews ('Judenzählung')
microfilm identification:  H005
           original    B1724
            place:  Comitat Trencsen
             year:        1848
             type:        registration of jews ('Judenzählung')
microfilm identification:  H006
           original    B1725
            place:  Comitat Veszprem
             year:        1848
             type:        registration of jews ('Judenzählung')
microfilm identification:  H007
           original    B1788
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros 1-200
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H008
           original    B1789
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros 1-200
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H009
           original    B1790
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros 1-200
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H010
           original    B1791
            place:  Györ
              original    Ujvaros 1-200
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H011
           original    B1792
            place:  Györ
              original    Ujvaros 201-400
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H012
           original    B1793
            place:  Györ
              original    Ujvaros 201-400
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H013
           original    B1794
            place:  Györ
              original    Nadorvaros 1-130
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H014
           original    B1795
            place:  Györ
              original    Szabadnegy 1-187
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H015
           original    B1796
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros 1-300
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H016
           original    B1797
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros 1-300
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H017
           original    B1798
            place:  Györ
              original    Ferencvaros
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H018
           original    B1799
            place:  Györ
              original    Ujvaros 1-200
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H019
           original    B1800
            place:  Györ
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H020
           original    B1801
            place:  Györ
              original    Ujvaros 201-505
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H021
           original    B1802
            place:  Györ
              original    Hadorvaros
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H022
           original    B1803
            place:  Györ
              original    Györ
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H023
           original    B1804
            place:  Györ
              original    Györ
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H024
           original    B1805
            place:  Györ
              original    Ferdinandvaros
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H025
           original    B1806
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros 1-94
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H0226
           original    B1807
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H027
           original    B1808
            place:  Györ
              original    Belvaros
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H028
           original    B1809
            place:  Györ
              original    Ferencvaros
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H029
           original    B1778
            place:  Nagyariszep 1-219
microfilm identification:  H030
           original    B1640
            place:  Fölveteli
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H031
           original    B1777
            place:  Erdönorvati
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H032
           original    B1606
            place:  Fölveteli
microfilm identification:  H033
           original    B1780
            place:  Töketerebes
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H034
           original    B1695
            place:  Zemplen
              original    Töke-Terebes
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H035
           original    B1781
            place:  Kecskemet 1-234
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H036
           original    B1782
            place:  Kecskemet 1-234
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H037
           original    B1783
            place:  Kecskemet
              original    Donbas-Szallas
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H038
           original    B1785
            place:  Scarcs
             year:        1857
             type:        list of fireplaces, registration of domestic animals
microfilm identification:  H039
           original    B1786
            place:  County Tolna
              original    Csaks
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  H040
           original    B1587
            place:  Agard
             year:        1869
             type:        census list

Ehemaliges Jugoslawien:

microfilm identification:  YU001
           original    st.1-659 posnetkov
            place:  Ovoj 1,2,3 - mesto
             year:        1830
            place:  Ovoj 5,6 - Sv Petra predm
             year:        1830
            place:  Ovoj 1 - mesto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU002
           original    st.2
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU003
           original    st.3
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU004
           original    st.4
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU005
           original    st.5
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU006
           original    st.6
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU007
           original    st.7
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU008
           original    st.8
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU009
           original    st.9
            place:  Leto
             year:        1869
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU010
           original    st.10
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU011
           original    st.11
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU012
           original    st.12
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU013
           original    st.13
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU014
           original    st.14
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU015
           original    st.15
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU016
           original    st.16
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU017
           original    st.17
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU018
           original    st.18
            place:  Leto
             year:        1910
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU019
           original    604 Posnetkov
            place:  Radece Tom. II
              comment     deutsch
             year:        1853
             type:        status animarum parochiae
microfilm identification:  YU020
           original    663 Ponetkov
            place:  Radece
              comment     slovenisch
             year:        1899ff
             type:        status animarum parochiae
microfilm identification:  YU021
            place:  Zagreb I
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU022
            place:  Zagreb II
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU023
            place:  Zagreb III
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU024
            place:  Zagreb IV
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU025
            place:  Zagreb V
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU026
            place:  Zagreb VI
             year:        1857
             type:        census list
microfilm identification:  YU027
         archives:  Archiv Hravatske
            place:  Zagreb
microfilm identification:  YU028
            place:  Ljubljana

Ehemalige Sowjetunion:

microfilm identification:  SU001
            place:  Estland
             year:        1795-1858
             type:        status animarum
microfilm identification:  SU002
            place:  Woronesk
             year:        1763
             type:        status animarum


microfilm identification:  PL001
           original    sz. I
            place:  Danzig
             year:        1807
             type:        registration of jews ('Judenzählung')
microfilm identification:  PL002
           original    sz. II
         archives:  archives  Gdansk
            place:  city of Berendt
             year:        1855
microfilm identification:  PL003
           original    sz. III
         archives:  Archiv Gdansk
            place:  Klatck
             year:        1540
microfilm identification:  PL004
        archives::      Warschau
            place:  Agad
             year:        1790-91

Sammlung der Mormonen (verschiedenste Regionen):

microfilm identification:  US001
           comment     Mormon
            place:  Austria in general
            place:  Austria: Tyrol -H
microfilm identification:  US002
           comment     Mormon
            place:  Austria: Tyrol I-end
microfilm identification:  US003
           comment     Mormon
            place:  Switzerland (Waadt)
            place:  Ukraine
microfilm identification:  US004
           comment     Mormon
            place:  CSSR
microfilm identification:  US005
           comment     Mormon
            place:  Kasachstan
                    Netherlands (in general)
microfilm identification:  US006
           comment     Mormon
            place:  Belgium
microfilm identification:  US007
           comment     Mormon
            place:  Italia: Emilia
microfilm identification:  US008
           comment     Mormon
            place:  Italia: Este

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