Vienna Database on European Family History

Description and download of the data

  • Austria - Viennese suburbi, 19th century
  • Croatia - Zagreb 1857
  • Germany - Kostanz 1774
  • Italy - Roman parishes, 17th to 20th century
  • Switzerland - Zurich, villages in the canton Zurich and Fribourg, 17th to 19th century


At our department we have also a collection of microfilms, which were the basis of many of these data.


List of microfilms

Numeric data

The first part of the ‘Vienna Database on European Family History’ recorded during the 1970s contains only numeric data (for the statistical package SPSS).


List of numeric data samples

Bohemian data

In the Project ‘Social Structures in Early Modern Bohemia’ supported by the Volkswagen Foundation a religious census and several land registers of the 17th and 18th century are recorded.


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